Physical Activity
MOVE For Better Health
Lower the risk for type 2 diabetes and some cancers
Lose weight or stay at a healthy weight
Improve blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease
Intensity Levels
Measured using metabolic equivalent of tasks, or METS. METS are based on the rate of energy expenditure during an activity compared to while at rest. So, 1 MET is the rate of energy expenditure while at rest and 2 METS means that two times the energy was used than when the body is at rest.
Light-Intensity Activity
< 3 METS
Walking slowly
Sitting using the computer
Standing light work
(cooking, washing
dishes, etc.)
Fishing sitting
Playing most instruments
Moderate-Intensity Activity
3 - 6 METS
Walking very brisk (4 mph)
Cleaning heavy (washing windows, vacuuming,
mopping, etc.)
Mowing the lawn
Raking the yard
Bicycling light effort (10-12 mph)
Badminton recreational
Tennis doubles
Vigorous-Intensity Activity
> 6 METS
Jogging at 6 mph
Carrying heavy loads
Bicycling fast (14 - 16 mph)
Basketball game
Soccer game
Tennis singles
Strenuous fitness class
Endurance or cardio activities.
Activities where people move their large muscles in a rhythmic manner for a sustained period of time. Aerobic activity makes the heart beat more rapidly and the breathing rate to increase.
Brisk walking
Playing basketball
Muscle-strengthening activities make muscles do more work than they are accustomed to doing and focus on major muscle groups. The muscle overload can help increase bone strength and maintain muscle mass during weight loss.
Lifting weights
Working with resistance bands
Calisthenics using body weight for resistance (push-ups, pull-ups, planks, etc.)
Carrying heavy loads
Heavy gardening
View these resources for help getting started and contact us if you need help or guidance!