Call for Speakers
If you would be interested in speaking at our next Health Summit, please summit a proposal to Dr. Stephen Farrow at sfarrow@ndori.org.
Topic Suggestions:
New wave of obesity pharmaceutical therapies
Updates and/or novel approaches to diabetes management
Managing the whole patient
Nutrition Fundamentals
Behavioral Health
Predicting risks in the diabetes patient (cardiovascular etc.)
Community Health Initiatives/Results
Interdisciplinary Approaches/Models
Sponsor or Exhibitor
Forms must be completed one week before the event.
If you would like to be a sponsor for the 4th annual VJ Canizaro, MD Health Summit please contact us
Call for Abstracts
Undergraduate student investigators who have conducted research on diabetes and other obesity-related conditions under the mentorship of a faculty member are invited to submit an abstract to the 4th Annual VJ Canizaro, MD Health Summit that will be held in March of 2024 at the Tradition Medical Campus in Biloxi, MS.
Research should have been conducted over the past year. Unpublished studies are preferred, but manuscripts published within a few months of the Summit will be considered.
Selected submissions will be published in the Summit program booklet and website and will be invited to discuss their abstracts during the poster session. The top abstract as determined by the NDORI Judging Committee will be invited to deliver an oral presentation at the Summit.
Please submit abstracts to Dr. Stephen Farrow at the National Diabetes and Obesity Research Institute (NDORI) via e-mail: sfarrow@ndori.org by 5 pm by June 21, 2024.
Stephen Farrow, MD, FACP
Executive Director